
First Time

Ok, I gotta be honest. I've never thought about getting serious on make up. I mean, I only know few things about make up but I have never really thought about learning about it. My only make up routine is when I go to special occasion like a wedding party. Back then I only apply foundation, powder, blush, eyeliner, mascara, and maybe some eyeshadow but scattered X) . Yes, I have had bought foundies, or eyeshadows, mascaras, eyeliner, without even really thinking about what brand suites me, which one is better for my skin and etc. Then about a year ago (if I'm not mistaken), I got an urge to learn a little bit about eyeshadow application. So I search on youtube and bumped on Michelle Phan's videos. I liked it, and got my self carried by all of her videos. 

Someday, I browse youtube and found a video of how to do "No Make Up Make Up" (sounds redundant? XD) by Lisa Eldridge. I went to her youtube videos and stumbled on all of her videos EVERYDAY. hahaha.. Because I fell in love with her teaching! She's so humble, sincere, and she gave her opinion objectively. And what I really like about her tutorial is her technique is to "enhance" the beauty of our skin, not to cover it all (for example, she only applied foundation a little in places where it needs a bit of enhancement, as for another area just leave it that way), Needless to say, I subscribed to her videos and since then she's my reference when I want to learn about make up and buy cosmetics products. 

Soo..... My mission is to learn how to do make up correctly. I began to buy cosmetics and very careful on what I bought. Of all the cosmetics, I don't have concealer. Well, I actually bought MAC concealer 2 years ago and never used it! (only few times for exact lol) so technically speaking, I don't have concealer. Theenn.. I remember about Make Up Forever on one of Lisa's video. When I visited my friend's blog ,Merilla May , i read about MUFE too, in fact she used it there. So, I decided to give it a shot.

I bought this three things:

1. MUFE HD Concealer

According to Beauty Advisor of MUFE, this concealer is good for covering the eye area because of the texture is a bit light but good coverage. I love the color because it blends well when I applied it.

 It is a roll out concealer, just like an elf lip plumping balm applicator once I bought

 The watery texture of the concealer

The texture is watery, I like it. It's not that thick, so easy to blend

Love the color, it matches my skin. Pardon for the rough texture due to my hand's hair X)

I've tried it for 6 hours wearing -fyi, I have a combination skin- and it worked really well to cover my puffy under eye. The texture feels exactly like my skin.

Pro's :
- Watery texture, easy to blend
- After applied it blends well onto skin, feels like not wearing any concealer nor looking wearing any
- 6 hours of usage (with all the sweating :P) it still covers well
- The color variation is GREAT! The provide light color and medium color, also a bit dark color
- The roll out pen container is smart! I can control the amount to be used and it's also hygiene.

- It's a bit pricey (I forgot how much but what I remember was the total of my haul was more than IDR 800.000) but looking at the result, it pays well.


2. MUFE Full Cover Concealer

I have spots, as I photo on this post, due to breakage and purging phase (I'll tell you about that later on another post). So I desperately need a very good covering concealer. The BA of MUFE suggested me this product, because - as the name says - it has the best coverage.

The Full Cover concealer container

It's thicker than the HD concealer, just like a toothpaste but more thick

Oh no it's REDISH! How will it cover my spots? we'll see ;)

How well I like this? I LOVE THIS! Turns out the color works perfectly to cover my acne spots, and it blends well with my skin even after 6 hours of use! How does it look like on my face? I'll post it next time ;)

- Just like the HD concealer, this Full Cover concealer has a great coverage for my spots
- A tiny amount of it will cover almost all of my spots, so it's saving a lot!
- 6 hours of usage and sweating on the combination skin? it still covers well
- It has a various color that could be match on Indonesian skin

- And just like the HD concealer, it's also pricey huhu... However, every usage will only need a tiny amount of it so yeah, it will be last long enough on my cosmetics, it pays well too for the coverage


3. Sponge

The BA claimed that this sponge has a small density so it will spread the foundation effectively. Plus, the shape of it makes it easy to applied the foundie near the eye area. Oh you sold me! XD

My take on it:
Even though what the BA claimed was true, I think I still prefer foundation brush. Because when I applied foundie with foundation brush, I could feel it blends the foundation so well onto my skin. But it's only a matter of preferences, if you like sponge more, this MUFE sponge is great and could be your choice :)

But keep in mind, the price is about IDR 120.000 if I'm not mistaken. You might want to check on the cheaper one, if you like.

That's it for today. Hope I didn't bore you and these informations worth your time :)



  1. drooling over that full cover concealer *0* haha

  2. Thanks for the review! I bought the full cover concealer as well, but it's always nice to hear other people's opinions on it hehe. n__n
    Thanks for checking out my blog - and to answer your question, Laneige is totally safe to use on acne/combination skin. I have crazy combination skin, and it's worked amazing for me~

  3. Thanks for sharing! I didn't use any product of concealer yet .. May be next time I'll need it! >.<

    Please follow me back, I just followed you ..

  4. very nice! would you like to follow each other in gfc and bloglovin? let me know! http://xxxloveisbeautyxxx.blogspot.ie/


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